Blog posts have been a go-to business marketing tool for decades. And we’ve all heard the phrase “Content is king.”  It’s one of the most overused clichés in the marketing world.

But guess what?

It’s true. 

Great content can help bring more traffic to your website, establish trust with your audience, enhance SEO efforts, increase retention, and improve conversions. It’s a no-brainer.

Here’s the thing, though: creating great content takes a lot of time, effort, and money.

What if we told you there’s an easier way? Your top-performing content can work for you over and over again without having to reinvent the wheel!

Enter content repurposing.

This simple and effective strategy can help maximize your content marketing ROI. And, not to mention, it can help you save a ton of valuable time while reaching new audiences.

Let’s break it down…

Step 1 → Review and organize your content.

It would help if you always kept living documentation of your content. Once you have all of it in one location, you can start breaking down highlights of each blog, key data and stats, and any other valuable information needed for repurposing.

Step 2 → Determine what to repurpose.

Choose your repurposed content carefully and make sure that decision is data-driven. Things to consider: Do you want to recreate a blog that’s received a lot of engagement? Or do you want to create something evergreen and in-depth, so it’s always timeless?

Step 3 → Decide how to repurpose it.

The final step is deciding what channels to use to broadcast these repurposed messages. Be practical with your selection by choosing channels that aren’t too challenging to navigate or sticking to platforms that you know you’ll be regularly active on.

Here are six ways you can easily extend the mileage out of your top-performing blog posts:

1. Cover the key points on your podcast

Let’s say you’re a nutritionist, and you created a blog post centered around ten tips for switching to a plant-based diet. On your podcast, you could reference the blog and talk about some of the lessons learned.

2. Develop a webinar on the same topic 

Have an educational blog post that still gets significant traffic? Use the content as a framework for a brand awareness webinar to generate interest from new warm leads.

3. Create a video and post it on YouTube 

When you turn your blog post into a video and upload it to YouTube, you’re doubling the chances of it getting seen. Pick a popular evergreen blog post, make a list of the key takeaways, and then follow this helpful guide for converting it to video.

4. Create a visual representation 

Have a blog post with excellent proprietary data? Create a visual representation in the form of a shareable infographic.

5. Turn it into an email series

Another effective way to increase the lifespan of a blog post is to incorporate it into your email marketing initiatives. Use your email marketing tool to automatically publish your new blog posts or create roundups from previous blog posts in your following newsletter.

6. Social media 

There are dozens (if not hundreds) of ways to repurpose blog content across social media. For example, you could turn a long-form blog into bite-sized lessons for Instagram Reels or use quotes and small, powerful phrases to create sharable Canva graphics for Pinterest.

Conversely, if you don’t have a company blog, but you have all (or some) of the six things mentioned above, now would be an excellent time to launch one. Transcribe your latest educational video into a short-form blog (bonus SEO points!) or take the highlights from that webinar you just hosted and turn it into an informative post.

Are you overwhelmed by content creation? Don’t have the resources? We can help! Contact us at 855-OPS-0023 or send us an email to book your complimentary strategy session.